Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Stepping Back and Reassessing

You may have noticed a certain silence here recently.

I know you're all very perceptive like that.

There are several reasons for the silence, all of which I hope you agree are valid ones. First and foremost, I started a new job. During the time when I was blogging regularly, I was unemployed. Which meant I had lots of time to sit around and type. Not so much anymore. I have a job that I love that keeps me very busy, and in the free time I do get, I like to spend time with the wife and kid.

Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, I was getting particularly unhappy with what I was posting here. Not that I didn't think it was good; I did and do. But I think in the drive to post on a regular schedule, I was forcing things a bit. I've had this problem in the past. I force content to drive traffic, but sacrifice saying things insightful or organic. It becomes more of job. It's a fine balance as a blogger, you know. You want to post regularly to keep your readers informed and involved, but you don't want to become stale in the interest of just being here. I crossed that line I think.

So I want to change course a little bit. I am evolving spiritually in my life. I want my writing to reflect that. I'm not necessarily just interested in the intersection of politics and religions. My interests far exceed that. I have been thinking a lot about heaven and hell, about the historical Jesus, about what form God's justice takes, about the meaning of Easter, about atheism. I have been reading CS Lewis and Robin Myers and thinking about Wendell Berry and Albert Schweitzer. The places where I am in my head, that's where I want this blog to be. Because writing is cathartic for me. It's a way to get all these thoughts that are bursting my brain out and to get feedback and to develop.

Forced writing doesn't do that.

In light of all that, here are some things that are changing. First, the name. I've left it alone for now. But I am trying to think of something a bit more apt for what I want to do here. I am open to suggestions, and once I make a choice, I'll be sure to explain the context.

Next, I'm not going to guarantee a schedule. You might not hear from me for a couple days, the I may blast you with six posts in a day. Sorry in advance about that. I'll try to spread stuff out. But expect more authenticity and spiritual musing and passion. Posts may become much more stream-of-consciousness based, much more devotional, or much shorter. I may just throw raw thoughts out for kicks. What I'm saying is, I'm gonna keep you on your toes. Keep checking in to see what's new, and please, please participate. I want feedback and disagreement and criticism and discussion. It builds my arguments and my faith, and I'm confident it will do the same for you.

I'm planning on continuing the Sermon on the Mount series, though the focus may shift a bit. But hopefully you all continue to find it enlightening and thought-provoking.

Thanks for you patience, and your loyalty,


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