Saturday, January 25, 2014

Indiana GOP Threaten Clergy With Jail Time For Performing LGBT Marriages

Here is some news that should make those who cherish religious freedom nervous:
In what appears to be a rather massive violation of the freedom of religion, the Republican party in Indiana appears to have amended the state criminal code to either make it a crime, or confirm that it remain a crime, for clergy to conduct weddings for gay couples.

While it is not widely known, numerous mainstream American religions permit gay nuptials. The faiths include reform Judaism, Evangelical Lutherans, Episcopalians, and the United Church of Christ, among others.
Yep, the Indiana GOP has decided that they will tell religious groups in their state what they can and cannot do in their own places of worship.

This is a massive violation of the 1st amendment, and the principle of freedom of religion. If a religious group wants to perform a religious act marrying two men or women, that should be no business for anyone but that place of worship. This is government meddling where it doesn't need to be. No matter what your opinion on gay marriage, it should make you nervous as a person of faith that the Indiana Republican legislature feels that they have the authority to do this kind of thing.

This is the distinction I feel a lot of conservatives fail to make on the issue of gay marriage: what a church does or doesn't do is their own business. Just because gay marriage may be legal in a state doesn't mean anyone will force your church to perform gay marriages. Nor should a church be prevented from performing gay marriages if they so choose.

Don't expect this to hold up in a court. And don't be surprised if we don't see more of this kind of thing as the push for gay rights becomes closer and closer to a done deal.

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