Tuesday, January 14, 2014

What Our Gun Culture Reaps

A man was shot and killed in Florida.

Sounds pretty familiar, huh?

This time, it was in a movie theater. Chad Oulsen was texting his young daughter, who was at home, during the previews. Curtis Reeves, a retired police officer, was sitting behind him and asked him to stop texting. When Oulsen didn't comply, and theater employees didn't do anything, Oulsen and Reeves began a shouting match.

It ended with Reeves shooting and killing Oulsen.

Over a text message.

This is what the gun culture looks like.

This is what our nation looks like when we decide that the unchecked gun ownership and use is more important that public safety and human life. A small minority has decided that any restrictions of guns is tantamount to the ultimate sacrilege, and refuses to allow the majority impose sensible rules on such dangerous weapons.

Which is funny, considering many of those same people pride this country on being a "Christian nation." Apparently, they missed that little part about turning the other cheek.

Or "Blessed are the peacemakers," and "Blessed are the meek."

Or beating our swords into plowshares.

A nation predicated on guns and the violence they bring is not a Christian nation.

Nothing will come of this shooting. No public policy, no change in culture, probably not even a civil debate. 

Is this the kind of world we want to live in? One ruled by vigilante justice and angry outbursts of gunfire? Where disputes are settled by shootouts instead of dialogue?

Jesus called us to love one another, to be humble, to put away our pride and anger. A country with more guns than citizens, that has more regard for firearms than the poor, oppressed, and hungry, can never be a Christian nation.

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